Object References

An object reference is a special object in Go that can provide either id and/or class attributes to an element.

  %h1.article-title= article.Title
  %p= article.Content

In this example we used the article value as an object reference to the div element. Here is how this might render out:

<div id="article-123" class="article">
  <h1 class="article-title">The Title</h1>
  <p>The content of the article</p>

The article value we used in the example has implemented the following two methods:

func (a Article) ObjectID() string {
  return fmt.Sprintf("article-%d", a.ID)

func (a Article) ObjectClass() string {
  return "article"

Anything that implements func ObjectID() string can be used to provide an id attribute to an element. Likewise, anything that implements func ObjectClass() string can be used to provide a class attribute to an element.

We can also provide a prefix that will be used for both the class and id attributes.

%div[article, "stunning"]
  %h1.article-title= article.Title
  %p= article.Content

renders as:

<div id="stunning_article-123" class="stunning_article">
  <h1 class="article-title">The Title</h1>
  <p>The content of the article</p>